Grocery store ads offer real math value Those grocery store ads that appear in your mailbox each week are great for helping your child practice math skills. Look through the ads with your child and have him cut out pictures of foods he likes along with their prices. Now help him create and solve word problems using the pictures. "Joey bought one pound of bananas for 60 cents. How much would two pounds of bananas cost?" Los avisos del supermercado tienen un gran valor matemático Los folletos del supermercado que le llegan por correo todas las semanas son estupendos para ayudar a su hijo a practicar matemáticas. Revísenlos juntos, y dígale que recorte las imágenes de los alimentos que le agradan con su precio. Luego ayúdelo a formular y resolver problemas de matemáticas con estas imágenes. "Jaime compró una libra de manzanas por 60 centavos. ¿Cuánto cuestan dos libras de manzanas?"
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Realistic expectations help teens get more from volunteering Volunteering helps teens develop new skills, explore careers, make a difference and feel good about themselves. When your teen is looking for a volunteer job, offer a reminder: Teens shouldn't expect to start at the top and every job can teach your teen something. One supervisor asked volunteers to staple papers. If they read the papers as they stapled and asked questions, she knew they could handle more responsible tasks. Las expectativas realistas ayudan a los jóvenes a aprovechar más el voluntariado
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Talk about freedoms on Bill of Rights Day December 15 is Bill of Rights Day in the United States. On this day in 1791, the first 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution were ratified. They became known as the Bill of Rights. Talk with your child about the freedoms this document grants. For example, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech and freedom of religion. The Sixth Amendment guarantees the right to a speedy and public trial by jury. Hablen sobre las libertades en el Día de la Declaración de los Derechos
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Encourage your teen to ask you anything When students are emotionally healthy, they can perform their best in school. To help your teen maintain emotional balance, make him feel he can ask you questions without being judged. For example, if he asks, "What would you do if a friend stole something?" avoid saying, "If your friends steal you can't spend time with them." Instead try, "Tell me what you think, and then I'll explain my view." Anime a su joven a hacerle cualquier pregunta que tenga
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Discuss ways that school is like a job It's not always clear to young children why parents hold jobs. Talk to your child about your reasons for having a job and the responsibilities it involves, such as being on time every day. Then discuss the ways that being in school is like having a job: like you, she is counted on to be there, work hard, etc. She'll learn that school is an important daily responsibility. Comente las maneras en que la escuela es como un trabajo
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
The Nye County School District Board of Trustees' Regular Board Meeting that is scheduled for this Wednesday, December 8th, will no longer be held at Amargosa Valley Schools, due to a COVID-19 quarantine. The meeting will now take place at the Southern District Office Boardroom, 484 S. West Street, Pahrump. Thank you.
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Change of Plans
A strong family connection helps keep teens safe Families play a critical role in guiding their teens through the adolescent years. Teens who feel loved, listened to and understood are less likely to engage in risky behaviors, including substance abuse and sexual activity. You can also help by setting high, realistic academic expectations, and checking in with your teen several times during the day. Una conexión familiar sólida ayuda a mantener seguros a los jóvenes
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Create afternoon routines for easier mornings "Where is my library book?" "I can't find my math worksheet!" If your mornings sound like this, add some routines to the afternoon. Designate a special box for your child's school materials. As soon as she walks in the door, have her go to that box to unload. After completing assignments, she should put them back in the box. Each evening, your child can pack the contents of the box into her backpack, ready for the next day. Para facilitar las mañanas, cree rutinas para la tarde
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Support your teen by showing you care Nothing supports teens like knowing that their parents love them. And nothing gets that message across like showing them. Try to do a few special things for your teen each week. Tuck a treat in her backpack where she'll find it at school. Give her a copy of her favorite magazine. Put your love in writing on a greeting card. And schedule some time to spend together one-on-one. Para apoyar a su joven, muéstrele que a usted le importa
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Put learning on the list of things to be grateful for A positive outlook helps children do better in school. Gratitude builds that attitude. Take time to sit down with your family often and share lists of things you are thankful for. Be sure to mention school and any progress your child is making. Has a teacher done something special to help? Have your child take a few minutes to write or say "Thanks." Ponga el aprendizaje en la lista de cosas para agradecer
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Active listening encourages teens to open up Teens need to know that their parents are there to listen to them. One of the best ways to show this to your teen is with a technique called active listening. To listen actively, create opportunities to let your teen talk without distractions. Concentrate on what he says, and restate what you hear to confirm your understanding. It is important to show respect for your teen's ideas, even if you don't agree with them. Escuchar activamente anima a los jóvenes a abrirse
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Suggest that your teen proofread out loud Your teen has great ideas, but do her papers get marked down because she makes careless errors? Teach her to reread her work aloud slowly before turning it in. It's sometimes easier to hear a mistake than to see it. She should also take care to read what's actually on the page and not let her eyes fill in what they want to see. Then, have her double-check for errors that she knows she tends to make. Sugiérale a su joven que revise sus textos en voz alta
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Celebrate Geography Awareness Week with a map activity November 15-19 is Geography Awareness Week. Here's a fun activity that will give your child practice reading maps. Find a road map of the country online. Let your child choose a place he'd like to visit. Together, try to determine the best route. Have your child use the map's scale to estimate how many miles it is to your destination. How many hours or days would it take to drive there? Celebren la Semana de la Geografía con un mapa
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
You are the teacher your child looks to most Parents are their children's first teachers. Even after kids start school, they spend only about 16 percent of their time in class. Parents have the other 84 percent of their children's time. Make your child's education a priority for that time. You are her most influential teacher. Usted es el maestro a quien su hijo más acude
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Add a real-life dimension to schoolwork Even the most studious teens get bored with schoolwork sometimes. That's when parents can add interest to learning with fun activities. If your teen is reading a novel or a play, for example, find a movie version and watch together. If she's studying history, look online for short videos that bring events to life. If it's science, ask the teacher to suggest an experiment your teen can do that illustrates what's going on in class. Relacione el trabajo escolar con la vida real
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Learning perseverance is worth the effort Perseverance is hard work. But your child's effort to develop the habit now will help him achieve in school. Teach him that "You're never a failure until you give up." Talk about a time when you wanted to give up, but didn't, and overcame an obstacle. Then have some fun: Set out a jigsaw puzzle to do together, and don't quit until the last piece is in! Aprender perseverancia vale la pena
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
Show the support that helps teens stay in school To be ready for college or a career, your teen must stay in school. To encourage him, talk frequently about how much you appreciate your own education, or why you wish you'd gotten more. Make sure he has access to study materials at home or at the library, and support his efforts to complete schoolwork. Focus on your teen's strengths, not his weaknesses, and express confidence in his abilities. El apoyo ayuda a los jóvenes a permanecer en la escuela
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins
We had a dress-up day to celebrate Nevada and Halloween at the Southern District Office.
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Dress Up Day
We asked school staff to show their team spirit by creating a puzzle reflecting their personalities. These are the winners. -- Hafen Elementary - 1st Place -- Manse Elementary - 2nd Place -- Tonopah Elementary - 3rd Place (tied) -- Beatty Elementary - 3rd Place (tied)
over 2 years ago, Nye County School District
Hafen Puzzle
Manse Puzzle
Beatty Puzzle
Break big tasks into small pieces to help your child see them through Many elementary schoolers have a tough time thinking ahead and following through on their plans. One reason is that they lack a realistic sense of time. Your child may really think one day is enough time to finish a big project. Help her break large assignments down into small parts to do over several days. Divida las tareas grandes en partes pequeñas para ayudar a su hijo a realizarlas
over 2 years ago, Loretta Bivins