We would like to encourage families to review and provide feedback for K-5 Science and K-12 Social Studies materials. Materials will be displayed January 29th-February 1st at the district office.
3 months ago, Nye County School District
#hiring #variouspositions #everystudentasuccess #team #competitivesalariesand benefits
3 months ago, Beth Campbell
Special thanks to all of our dedicated staff for their commitment and hard work every day making every student a success.
3 months ago, Beth Campbell
You don't have to have all the answers Families sometimes worry that their teens won't respect them if they can't answer every question. But teens respect adults more when they admit they don't know and say "Let's find the answer." You don't have to answer all your teen’s questions immediately, either. If your teen asks a difficult question when you don't have time to respond, say "That's a tough one. I'd like to think about my answer and get back to you." Then, follow through. https://tpitip.com/?34aT8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Usted no debe tener todas las respuestas Algunas veces, las familias tienen miedo de perder el respeto de sus jóvenes si no pueden responder todas sus preguntas. Pero los jóvenes respetan más a los adultos cuando ellos admiten que no saben algo y dicen, "Averigüemos la respuesta". Tampoco es necesario que usted responda de inmediato todas las preguntas de su joven. Si él le hace una pregunta difícil y usted no tiene tiempo para responder, dígale, "Eso es difícil. Desearía pensar mi respuesta y hablar de esto luego". Luego cumpla con su palabra. https://tpitip.com/?44aT8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Want To Make A Difference?!
3 months ago, Beth Campbell
Job opportunity
The board meeting has ended. January 18, 2024, 8:21 PM
3 months ago, Nye County School District
Board Meeting Update
The board has returned from closed session and will begin again momentarily. https://bit.ly/ncsdbotmeetings 1/18/24, 7:48 PM
3 months ago, Nye County School District
Board Meeting Update
The Board Meeting is going into closed session. We will send another alert when they return to regular session. The livestream and webinar will both be turned off for the duration of closed session. -------------- The agenda and information about streaming can be found on this page: https://bit.ly/ncsdbotmeetings
3 months ago, Nye County School District
Board Meeting Update
Tonight's board meeting begins at 5:30. The meeting is based in Pahrump, and the district office will be open for attendees. The agenda and streaming information can be found here: https://bit.ly/ncsdbotmeetings This meeting has a closed session about half way through the agenda. At that time, we will turn off the streaming and the webinar. An announcement will be posted like this when the meeting returns to open session.
3 months ago, Nye County School District
BOT Meeting Update
Para ayudar con el trabajo escolar, enfóquese en estos aspectos Ayudar a su hijo con el trabajo escolar puede ser muy sencillo si tiene en cuenta estos aspectos: Actitud. Tenga una actitud positiva hacia el aprendizaje para darle un buen ejemplo a su hijo. Descansos. Deje que se tome descansos breves durante las sesiones de estudio. Opciones. Deje que escoja qué estudiará primero. Instrucciones. Su hijo debería leerlas con detenimiento y luego volver a formularlas en sus propias palabras. Aliento. Busque comentarios positivos para elogiar el esfuerzo de su escolar de primaria. https://tpitip.com/?24aP8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
When helping with schoolwork, think ABC Helping your child with schoolwork can be as simple as ABC (and D and E)! A is for Attitude. Model a positive attitude toward learning for your child. B is for Breaks. Let your student take short breaks during study sessions. C is for Choice. Let your child choose what to work on first. D is for Directions. Your child should read them carefully, then restate them. E is for Encouragement. Find positive things to say about your elementary schooler's efforts. https://tpitip.com/?14aP8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Send your child off to sleep with positive thoughts The last words you say to your child at bedtime will be the words that will echo in your elementary schooler’s brain all night. Make a daily habit of remembering the best thing your child did that day. Talk about it right before saying goodnight. https://tpitip.com/?14aM8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Ayude a su hijo a dormirse con pensamientos positivos Las últimas palabras que le diga a su hijo a la hora de acostarse son las que le quedarán dando vueltas en la cabeza toda la noche. Adquiera el hábito de recordar qué fue lo mejor que hizo su hijo ese día. Hablen sobre ello justo antes de decirle buenas noches. https://tpitip.com/?24aM8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Haga preguntas para fomentar el pensamiento No todos los problemas que su hijo enfrentará en la vida tendrán una solución fácil de implementar. Por eso, es importante que le enseñe a hacer preguntas y analizar las situaciones. Para promover este tipo de análisis, diga algo como, "Me pregunto por qué sucedió eso" o "Me pregunto qué hubiera sucedido si …" Anime a su hijo a hacer preguntas sobre el mundo que lo rodea. Y cuando exprese una opinión, muéstrele cómo buscar datos que la acrediten. https://tpitip.com/?24aL8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Ask questions to encourage thinking Not every problem your child will face will have an easy solution. So it's important to teach your student to ask questions and think things through. To promote this kind of thought, say things like, "I wonder why that happened" or "I wonder what might happen if …?" Encourage your child to ask questions about the world all around. And when your elementary schooler expresses an opinion, demonstrate how to find facts to support it. https://tpitip.com/?14aL8433
3 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 This afternoon, an RCMS bus transporting students from the after-school program (SAFE) was involved in a bus versus motorcycle accident. Only five students were on the bus, none were injured, and all were transported home via district van. The NCSD driver was not at fault and was not cited. The motorcyclist did not appear to have life-threatening injuries but was transported to Las Vegas for care. He was cited.
3 months ago, Nye County School District
Alert - Bus Accident
Cuatro pasos para recordar mejor la información al leer Si su joven tiene dificultades para comprender y recordar el material que lee, enséñele este proceso de cuatro pasos: 1. Leer el pasaje. 2. Cubrirlo con una hoja de papel. 3. Sin sacar el papel, tratar de recordar y recitar la información. 4. Descubrir y revisar el pasaje para comprobar su memoria. https://tpitip.com/?44aH8433
4 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Share four steps for improving reading recall If your teen has trouble understanding and remembering reading material, share this four-step process: 1. Read the passage. 2. Put a piece of paper over the material. 3. With the material covered, try to recall and restate the information. 4. Uncover the passage to check accuracy. https://tpitip.com/?34aH8433
4 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Nye County School District is holding a town hall meeting in conjunction with KNIT Architectural Firm to share design plans for the new Tonopah Elementary School on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm in the Tonopah High School library. Participants will have an opportunity to review visual displays, ask questions, and speak with District leadership. Video Plan: https://vimeo.com/885265409
4 months ago, Nye County School District
Tonopah Elementary