Five things teachers really want from families Teamwork between home and school can make a big difference to your child's learning. Here are five things teachers wish all families would do: 1. Build your child's confidence with praise and love. 2. Discuss the school day and the things your child is learning together. 3. Support your child's effort with schoolwork. 4. Schedule some relaxed reading time each evening. 5. Partner with the teachers to support school success.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Use expectativas para mostrarle el camino a su joven Establecer expectativas es como darle un mapa de ruta a su joven. Sin ellas, no hay garantía de que llegará al destino final. Sin ellas, no podrá encontrar su camino. Para asegurarse de que el mapa sea claro, ayude a su joven a trazarse metas educativas y determinar cómo alcanzarlas. Dígale a su joven que cree rutinas para el trabajo escolar, y haga hincapié en la relación entre el esfuerzo y los resultados. Hablar regularmente sobre la escuela también le muestra a su joven que usted espera que la tome con seriedad.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Use expectations to show your teen the way Setting expectations is like giving your teen a road map. Without them, there's no guarantee your student will end up at the final destination. With them, your teen will be able to find the way. To make sure your map is clear, help your teen set education goals and figure out how to meet them. Have your teen create routines for schoolwork, and discuss the link between effort and outcome. Talking regularly about school also shows that you expect your student to take it seriously.
about 2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Come meet us at Ramkota Hotel & Convention Center Today! We are here until 2pm! #hiring
about 2 months ago, Beth Campbell
Refuerce la importancia de aprender de los errores Thomas Edison realizó cientos de intentos hasta encontrar el material correcto para hacer el filamento de una bombilla de luz. Pero cada fracaso le enseñó lo que no funcionaba, y lo ayudó a comprender mejor lo que sí funcionaría. Cuando su joven cometa un error, piensen juntos en lo que puede aprender de él. ¿Qué otros enfoques podría probar su joven la próxima vez? La experiencia es una gran maestra, pero los estudiantes a veces necesitan ayuda para prestar atención a la lección.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Reinforce the importance of learning from mistakes It took Thomas Edison hundreds of tries before he found the right material for the filament of the light bulb. But each failure taught him what wouldn't work, and brought him closer to understanding what would. When your teen makes a mistake, brainstorm together about what can be learned from it. What other approaches could your teen try next time? Experience is a good teacher, but students sometimes need help paying attention to the lesson.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Sea claro respecto al comportamiento que desea ver en su hijo "No te olvides la chaqueta". "No corras en la calle". Algunas veces, pareciera que estamos llenando la cabeza de nuestros hijos con todas las cosas que no deben hacer. El problema es que, con frecuencia, los niños pequeños no escuchan la palabra "no". En lugar de eso, dígale a su hijo lo que DEBE HACER: "Lleva tu chaqueta. Quédate en la acera".
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Be clear about the behavior you want to see "Don't forget your jacket." "Don't run in the street." Sometimes it seems like adults fill kids' heads with all the things they're not supposed to do. The problem is that young children often tune out the word "don't." Instead, tell your child what TO DO: "Take your jacket. Stay on the sidewalk."
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Come see us at Hometown Pizza in Tonopah! We will be here until 3pm!
2 months ago, Beth Campbell
#hiring #scottyhighlanders #rebels #bobcats #coyotes #jackrabbits #recruitingeveryone
2 months ago, Beth Campbell
Para fomentar la acción, jueguen a ganarle al reloj Si le resulta difícil lograr que su hijo haga algo, trate de transferir su autoridad a la figura de un "jefe" neutral. Por ejemplo, cuando quiera que su hijo realice un quehacer, termine su trabajo escolar o se prepare para ir a dormir, ponga un temporizador de cocina y juegue a ganarle al reloj. Su hijo debe completar la actividad antes de que suene la alarma. A los niños les encanta cuando el temporizador de la cocina es el que manda, y usted no tendrá que ser el malo de la película.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
To encourage action, play Beat the Clock If you have trouble getting your child to do something, try transferring your authority to a neutral "boss." For example, when you want your child to finish a chore, complete schoolwork or get ready for bed, set a kitchen timer and play Beat the Clock. Your child must complete the activity before the buzzer rings. Kids love it when the kitchen timer is in charge, and you won't have to be the bad guy.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
REMINDER!! February 22, 2024 Events Tonopah Job Fair @ Hometown Pizza 12pm-3pm AND UNLV Informational Night (Tonopah) Thursday, February 22 · 4:00 – 5:30pm Time zone: America/Los_Angeles Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 314-666-2221‬ PIN: ‪598 191 443‬# More phone numbers:
2 months ago, Beth Campbell
Help your teen understand two key lessons "Two of the most important lessons children can learn are that they matter and that they are counted on," wrote columnist William Raspberry. One effective way to teach your teen these lessons is to set limits. If you set and enforce a regular study time, for example, you make it clear that your teen's education is a priority for you. When you expect responsible behavior, you show that you believe your teen can do it and you can count on it.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Ayude a su joven a comprender dos lecciones clave "Dos de las lecciones más importantes que los niños pueden aprender son que ellos son importantes y dignos de confianza", escribió el columnista William Raspberry. Una manera efectiva de enseñarle a su joven estas lecciones es trazar límites. Por ejemplo, si establece y hace cumplir un horario fijo de estudio, dejará claro que la educación de su joven es una prioridad para usted. Si usted espera un comportamiento responsable, mostrará que usted cree y confía que su joven puede hacerlo.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Give your teen the reason for the rule Research shows that when families explain to adolescents why they should do something (instead of just demanding they do it and punishing them if they don't), the teens are more likely to make smarter choices and be more considerate of others. When you "consult" with your teen about a rule, not only can you change your student’s behavior, you can foster intellectual and social development.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
Dígale a su joven cuál es la razón de cada regla Los estudios revelan que cuando las familias les explican a los jóvenes por qué deben hacer algo (en lugar de exigirles que lo hagan y castigarlos de lo contrario), es más probable que ellos tomen decisiones sensatas y sean más considerados con otros. Cuando usted "consulta" una regla con su joven, no solo puede cambiar su comportamiento, sino que también puede promover su desarrollo intelectual y social.
2 months ago, Loretta Bivins
#hiring #paraprofessionals #makingadifference
2 months ago, Beth Campbell
The Stay-Put procedure at Manse has cleared, and the school is operating normally.
2 months ago, Manse Elementary
Parents & Guardians Manse Elementary has implemented a STAY PUT emergency procedure as the result of a disruptive, volatile person in the office. The school resource officer is assisting. Classroom instruction continues normally. -------------- During practice drills, your student learned this means any outside activities are moved inside and no students or staff are allowed outside the building. All exterior doors are locked. No one is allowed to enter the building except for response personnel. Classroom instruction continues with limited hallway traffic. Please monitor the Nye County School District Website or Facebook page for additional information as it becomes available.
2 months ago, Manse Elementary